The Project

The Project started on 2012. The final results will be published in July/August 2014. In the two years we developed an easy to use evaluation grid, helping to identify intergenerational aspects in curricula and trainings already performed. We want to rise awareness on how many intergenerational good practices are already implemented, without realizing it. Each partner brought together three good practices on intergenerational creative pathways in lifelong learning. Together we can learn, no matter which culture, generation or social background!
The Results
We produced in our partnership a couple of concrete outcomes. We provide the evaluation grid for identifying good practices in all partner languages, helping others to find intergenerational aspects in their work.
We published a booklet,summarizing all good practices by each partner. We created a web- and a facebookpage, where we share and discuss our findings and over networks, in order to secure our results.
We drafted a policy brief, which we delivered to political stakeholders, minsters and local authorities.
We created videos, calendars, shirts and other dissemination tools, helping to raise awareness on our topic.
Most of all we are open for input - please feel free to contact us!
The Partners
Creative Pathways brought together partners from five countries, complimenting each other by size, experience and education specialization. The partners are:
• The Comparative Research Network, Berlin, Germany
• CSRMP, Czestochowa, Poland
• Active Language School, Kosice, Slovakia
• IREFORR, Potenza, Italy
• Izmir Chamber of tailors and ready made garment, Izmir, Turkey
The Partnership
Creative Pathways is a learning partnership in the framework of the Erasmus Plus Grundtvig program. The program aims on the professionalisation of adult education providers in Europe. Therefore we do not just work on evaluating good practices, but organise project meetings at each our institutions. In this way we exchange experiences, curricula and techniques. We learn how our jobs are done in Europe. We learn, listen and discuss approaches and we find creative pathways in lifelong learning. Our partnership is open for other institutions, persons and projects and we share our results in an open accessible way.
We seek to find creative ways to stay involved in learning through all our life.
Good Practices
A number of good practices had been collected and published in a booklet. The booklet is available on the homepage.
Evaluation Grid
An easy evaluation grid, to help to identify good practices in already existing projects, can be found on the web page.
The Homepage
The homepage of the project summarizes all information and products. New good practices can be submitted here.
Policy Brief
After identifying good practices over the last two years, the partners edited a policy brief, which is delivered to political stakeholders.
Information and Contact
Find out about Creative Pathways
Our partnership is open for all organizations and individuals interested in our work.
You can find more information on the project webpage or our Facebook group.
Contact and order of our products
If you want to order our project products:
• Good practice booklet
• Evaluation Grid
• Policy brief
Please contact the coordinator:
Martin Barthel
Creative Pathways
A Grundtvig Learning Partnership